CX Aortic Live

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We are delighted to host the inaugural CX Aortic Live in Vienna from October 7th – 8th 2024, and livestream globally for two days of aortic techniques and technologies focused on cardiac, vascular and endovascular aortic advances.

CX Aortic Live is the only dedicated meeting focused on the stand-alone aorta – from the aortic valve to the iliac arteries. Importantly, the CX Aortic community is for all who manage the aorta and welcomes specialists from all backgrounds including cardiac aortic, cardiovascular, cardiothoracic, interventional, radiology, vascular and endovascular experts.

The mission of CX Aortic Live is to unite open, hybrid and endovascular solutions to distil what is in the patient’s best interest and how we can advance the future of aortic care. CX Aortic Live will offer live and edited cases demonstrating aortic procedures performed with cutting edge technology and world class operative techniques. Aortic Live editions in Hamburg and Essen attracted approximately 500 participants of which 60% were vascular surgeons and 40% were cardiac aortic surgeons.

The short presentations with open discussion allowed interaction between many experts. I liked this format and was a great use of my time. Intensive learning!
It greatly exceeded my expectations showing the whole spectrum of various approaches for all Aortic Aneurysms
Excellent overall presentations and discussions
All the speakers were excellent. It was a perfect overview, and I was able to look back at the sessions on-demand
The whole CX Aortic Vienna meeting was a huge input of knowledge
and was excellently delivered
CX Aortic Vienna always shows the ultimate in technology
The virtual platform enabled flexible but thorough interaction
Recent techniques were updated very well and recent technological advances were highlighted. The best part about CX Aortic Vienna was interacting with the top experts in the field
CX Aortic Vienna greatly exceeded my expectations. It was a revolution in aortic approaches and updated our knowledge in the speciality

CX Aortic news