Joseph Coselli (Houston, USA) talks to CX Aortic Vienna about the pioneers of the aortic field and future of aortic practice. Coselli advocates the “need not to have silos” and that instead “we need to have teams” involving interventional radiology, cardiac, vascular and endovascular specialists to promote a shared growth throughout the field.
CX Aortic Vienna 2021 aims to address this need for interdisciplinary collaboration and welcomes all specialists involved with aortic patient management to join us from the 5–7 of October. Global leaders in the field will highlight treatments to complex aortic problems in the patients’ best interest.
Do not miss the opportunity to have your abstract appear alongside world experts. The submission deadline is 22 August and you can submit your abstract here.
Register your place for CX Aortic Vienna 2021 here, or view the full programme online.