“The important thing [about taking a multidisciplinary approach] is that our skills build up in time differently around the aorta.”
The CX Aortic Live team sat down with Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Brescia, Luca Bertoglio to take a behind the scenes look at the infrarenal and throaco-abdominal programmes at CX Aortic Live 2024! He also provides us with details of his upcoming presentation “BEVAR with inner branches” which is a technique emerging as an alternative to outer branches for the treatment of para-renal and thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms.
Professor Bertoglio began his vascular surgery residency at the “Vita Salute” University Ospedale San Raffaele under the direct mentorship of Professor Roberto Chiesa. His main clinical and research interest is aortic pathology treated by means of open or endovascular techniques. Since, 2014 he has been responsible for the endovascular functional unit of the Vascular Division. He has been appointed Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery at University of Brescia and he held a consultant position at Division of Vascular Surgery of ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia.
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